In Part 5 we added some monsters to the level, and displayed them using sprites - textured rectangles that scale with distance but always face the camera. The complete code for Part 5 can be found here.
The monster sprites look good[1], but they don’t do very much. In fact we can walk right through them as if they weren’t even there.
The reason you can walk through the sprites is that they are ghosts. I know they look more like zombies, but they’re actually ghosts. It’s a feature, not a bug.
OK, fine - I suppose we can make them solid if you insist. To make the zombies less ghostly and more zombie-ie, we’ll need to implement collision handling. Fortunately we already did almost all the work for this when we implemented player-wall collisions back in Part 2.
To detect if the player was colliding with a wall, we modeled the player as a Rect
and then did a Rect
intersection test with the walls. We can use the same approach for Player
Start by copying the computed rect
property from Player.swift
and adding it to Monster.swift
as follows:
public extension Monster {
var rect: Rect {
let halfSize = Vector(x: radius, y: radius)
return Rect(min: position - halfSize, max: position + halfSize)
That code depends on a radius
property, so add a radius
to the Monster
as well:
public struct Monster {
public let radius: Double = 0.25
Now, inPlayer.swift
, add the following method to the end of the Player
func intersection(with monster: Monster) -> Vector? {
return rect.intersection(with: monster.rect)
This code is just a proxy to the Rect.insersection()
method, which returns a vector representing the overlap between the rectangles (or nil
if they don’t intersect).
This gives us everything we need to determine if the player is colliding with a monster, and if so by how much we need to move them so that they won’t be anymore. In World.update()
, add the following block of code just above the while
// Handle collisions
for monster in monsters {
if let intersection = player.intersection(with: monster) {
player.position -= intersection
This code loops through every monster in the map, checks if the player is intersecting them, and if so moves the player away so that they aren’t. This solution isn’t necessarily perfect - it’s possible that if you bumped into a group of monsters, you’d end up being buffeted from one into another, but it should be good enough since you expect a certain amount of squishiness if you walk into a monster, so it’s not a big problem if the collision response has some looseness to it.
It’s because of this looseness that we perform the monster collision loop before the wall collision loop - we don’t mind if the player gets bounced from one monster into another, but we definitely don’t want them to end up embedded in a wall, so we make sure that wall collisions are processed last.
Run the game now and you should find that you are no longer able to walk through the monsters
Something feels a bit… off about the collision handling right now. Walking into those monsters is like walking into a brick wall because they don’t have any give. Since they are roughly the same size as the player, and assuming they aren’t glued to the floor, you’d expect to be able to push them around.
Instead of applying the collision response solely to the player, what if we split it evenly between the player and monster, so that a collision pushes both player and monster in opposite directions?
In order to move the monsters, we’ll need to change the loop a bit. Because the monsters are structs (value types) we can’t modify the monster variable in the loop - we’ll need to make a copy of the monster, modify that, and then assign it back to the correct position in the monsters
array. Replace the // Handle collisions
block we just wrote with the following:
// Handle collisions
for i in monsters.indices {
var monster = monsters[i]
if let intersection = player.intersection(with: monster) {
player.position -= intersection
monsters[i] = monster
Instead of looping over the monsters directly, we are now looping over the indices of the array, which allows us to replace the original monster (that’s what the monsters[i] = monster
line is doing at the end of the loop[2]. Still in the same block of code, replace the line:
player.position -= intersection
player.position -= intersection / 2
monster.position += intersection / 2
Now, when we bump into a monster, it will be pushed back. Because we’re also being pushed back, we will move more slowly when pushing, making the interaction feel more realistic.
Try running the game now and pushing some monsters around. Pretty soon, you’ll notice we’ve introduced a new problem.
Now that we can push the monsters, we can push them through walls. So far, all our collision handling has been player-centric, but now that monsters can move (even if it’s not of their own volition), they need their own collision logic.
We already have a method to detect collisions between the player and the walls, and since the player and monster are both represented by rectangles, we can re-use that collision logic. The problem is that currently the intersection(with:)
method we need is a member of the Player
type, and we don’t really want to copy and paste it into Monster
. It’s time for a refactor.
The Monster
and Player
types have a bunch of properties and behavior in common, so it makes sense to allow them to share these via a common abstraction. In a traditional object-oriented language like Objective-C or Java, we might have done this by making them inherit from a common superclass, but in our game these are structs rather than classes, so they don’t support inheritance.
We could make them into classes, but this has all sorts of downsides, such as losing the ability to magically add serializion via the Codable
protocol, or easily adding multithreading due to the data structures all being immutable, so let’s not do that. Fortunately, Swift has a nice mechanism for sharing logic between value types, in the form of protocol extensions.
Create a new file in the Engine module called Actor.swift
, with the following contents:
public protocol Actor {
var radius: Double { get }
var position: Vector { get set }
“Actor” is a generic term for entities such as the player, non-player-characters, scenery, or anything else that potentially moves or has agency within the game, as per this description from Game Coding Complete:
A game actor is an object that represents a single entity in your game world. It could be an ammo pickup, a tank, a couch, an NPC, or anything you can think of. In some cases, the world itself might even be an actor. It’s important to define the parameters of game actors and to ensure that they are as flexible and reusable as possible.
The Actor
protocol we’ve defined makes the guarantee that any object conforming to it will have a read-only radius
property, and a read-write position
, which is everything we need to implement collision handling.
In Player.swift
, replace the following line:
public struct Player {
public struct Player: Actor {
That says that Player
conforms to the Actor
protocol. We don’t have to do anything else to conform to the protocol because Player
already has a radius
and position
Next, cut the entire public extension Player { ... }
block from Player.swift
, and paste it into the Actor.swift
file. Then replace all references to Player
or Monster
with Actor
. The result should look like this:
public extension Actor {
var rect: Rect {
let halfSize = Vector(x: radius, y: radius)
return Rect(min: position - halfSize, max: position + halfSize)
func intersection(with map: Tilemap) -> Vector? {
let minX = Int(rect.min.x), maxX = Int(rect.max.x)
let minY = Int(rect.min.y), maxY = Int(rect.max.y)
var largestIntersection: Vector?
for y in minY ... maxY {
for x in minX ... maxX where map[x, y].isWall {
let wallRect = Rect(
min: Vector(x: Double(x), y: Double(y)),
max: Vector(x: Double(x + 1), y: Double(y + 1))
if let intersection = rect.intersection(with: wallRect),
intersection.length > largestIntersection?.length ?? 0 {
largestIntersection = intersection
return largestIntersection
func intersection(with actor: Actor) -> Vector? {
return rect.intersection(with: actor.rect)
Now we’ll do the same for Monster
. In Monster.swift
public struct Monster {
public struct Monster: Actor {
Then you can delete the public extension Monster { ... }
block completely, since the computed rect
property is now inherited from the Actor
That’s the beauty of Swift’s protocol extensions. In Objective-C it was possible for classes to conform to a common protocol, but they couldn’t inherit behavior from it. In Swift however, we can extend the protocol with functionality that is then available to all types that conform to it. That even works for value types like struct that aren’t polymorphic and don’t support traditional inheritance.
Anyway, enough about how awesome Swift is - let’s get on with the task at hand. In World.update()
, add the following code inside the for
loop, just before the line monsters[i] = monster
while let intersection = monster.intersection(with: map) {
monster.position -= intersection
This applies the same wall collision logic we used for Player
to every Monster
in the map. Collision with walls is handled after collisions with the player, so that it overrides previous collision response handling - the monster may end up being pushed back into the player, but they shouldn’t get pushed through a wall.
If you run the game again though, you’ll see that’s not quite the case.
It’s no longer possible to push the monster right through the wall as before, but they still seem to be able to get stuck a little way into it - why is that?
In short, it’s because we’ve used the wrong radius. We set the monster’s radius to 0.25, meaning that it occupies half a tile’s width. But the sprite graphic we are using for the monster is 14 pixels wide inside a 16-pixel texture. Since the texture is one tile wide, that means the monster is actually 14/16ths of a tile wide - equivalent to 0.875 tiles.
If the collision rectangle we use for the monsters is smaller than the sprite, the sprite will clip into the walls when the monster bumps up agains them. If we don’t want that to happen, the correct radius to use for the monsters is 0.4375 (half of 0.875). In Monster.swift
, change the line:
public let radius: Double = 0.25
public let radius: Double = 0.4375
The monsters should no longer intersect the walls, however much you push them. But what about other monsters? It shouldn’t be possible to push one monster right through another one, but right now there’s nothing to prevent that. The collision handling should be able to prevent any monster from intersecting another.
In order to implement monster-monster collisions we’ll need to do a pairwise collision test between each monster and every other monster. For that we’ll need to add a second loop through all of the monsters, inside the first loop.
Back inside the World.update()
method, find the line:
while let intersection = monster.intersection(with: map) {
Just above that line, add the following:
for j in monsters.indices where i != j {
if let intersection = monster.intersection(with: monsters[j]) {
monster.position -= intersection / 2
monsters[j].position += intersection / 2
This inner loop[3] runs through the monsters again, checking for an intersection between the current monster from the outer loop (monsters[i]
) and the current monster in the inner loop (monsters[j]
). The where i != j
ensures we don’t check if a monster is colliding with itself (which would always be true, leading to some interesting bugs).
If you’re familiar with Big O notation for describing algorithmic complexity, this algorithm has a a Big O of O(n2), where n is the total number of monsters.
An algorithm with O(n2) complexity slows down rapidly with the number of elements, and is generally considered a bad thing. Modern physics engines use a variety of tricks to cut down the number of collision tests they need to perform, such as subdividing objects into buckets and only checking for collisions between objects in the same or neighboring buckets.
With such a small map and so few monsters, n2 will never get large enough to be a problem, so we won’t worry about it for now. There is, however, a trivial optimization we can make which will halve the work we are doing.
We’re currently comparing every pair of monsters twice because we always compare monsters[i]
with monsters[j]
for every value of i
and j
. But if we’ve already compared monsters[1]
with monsters[2]
we don’t also need to compare monsters[2]
with monsters[1]
because they’re equivalent.
So it follows that for the inner for
loop, we only need to loop over monsters that we have not already covered in the outer loop, so instead of looping through every index apart from i
, we can just loop through every index after i
. In World.update()
replace the line:
for j in monsters.indices where i != j {
for j in i + 1 ..< monsters.count {
That should take care of monster-monster collisions. Run the app again and you should find that you now can’t push monsters through walls or each other.
The // Handle collisions
code is maybe not the most beautiful we’ve written, but I’ll leave refactoring it as an exercise for the reader because we have more interesting fish to fry.
The monsters have had enough of being pushed around - it’s time they got their revenge. The only problem is, they don’t actually have the power of independent thought. We need to give them some artificial intelligence.
There’s an old joke in tech circles that when companies talk about their new software using “advanced AI”, they probably mean it has a giant bunch of if
statements. And it’s funny because it’s true - if you are trying to build a program that can “reason” about a situation and decide on a course of action, the simplest approach in most cases is to figure out all of the possible scenarios and then build a big if
or switch
statement with the appropriate responses to each of them.
The AI for non-player characters (including enemies) in a game can be built around a state machine. At any given point in time, the character is in a particular state. While in that state they have a certain behavior. Certain events or triggers will cause them to transition to a different state, with different behavior.
In Swift, the state machine can be implemented as a switch
over an enum, with a bunch of if
cases for handling state transitions. For now, we’ll just define two states for the monsters - idle and chasing.
Each monster will start out in the idle state. When they see the player they will switch to the chasing state. In the chasing state, the monster will pursue the player until it can’t see them anymore, at which point it will revert back to idle.
In Monster.swift
, add the following code to the top of the file:
public enum MonsterState {
case idle
case chasing
Then add a state
property to the Monster
public struct Monster: Actor {
public var state: MonsterState = .idle
In World.update()
, insert the following block of code above the // Handle collisions
// Update monsters
for i in 0 ..< monsters.count {
var monster = monsters[i]
monster.update(in: self)
monsters[i] = monster
Then, back in Monster.swift
add the following block of code to the bottom of the file:
public extension Monster {
mutating func update(in world: World) {
switch state {
case .idle:
case .chasing:
Here we have the outline for the AI routine - now we need to write the implementations for the two states. In idle
mode, all the monster needs to do is wait until it sees the player. That means we need a method to detect if the monster can see the player.
Since the monsters don’t currently have a direction (they always face the player), we don’t need to worry about their field of view. The only reason a monster wouldn’t be able to see the player is if there was a wall between them.
Still in Monster.swift
add a canSeePlayer()
public extension Monster {
func canSeePlayer(in world: World) -> Bool {
The first thing we’ll need to do is create a Ray
from the monster to the Player
. We’ve done this a few times now, so the code should require no explanation. Add the following lines to the start of the canSeePlayer()
let direction = world.player.position - position
let playerDistance = direction.length
let ray = Ray(origin: position, direction: direction / playerDistance)
We need to check if the view of the player is obstructed by a wall. We already have a way to check if a ray hits a wall, using the Tilemap.hitTest()
method we wrote in Part 3. Add the following line to the canSeePlayer()
let wallHit =
Now we have the point at which the ray intersects the map, we just need to check if the distance at which that occurs is closer or farther than the player. Add the following lines to complete the canSeePlayer()
let wallDistance = (wallHit - position).length
return wallDistance > playerDistance
Using that method, we can now implement the monster’s AI. Replace the empty switch cases in Monster.update()
with the following:
switch state {
case .idle:
if canSeePlayer(in: world) {
state = .chasing
case .chasing:
guard canSeePlayer(in: world) else {
state = .idle
So now if the monster sees the player it will enter the chasing
state, and if it it can’t see the player anymore it will return to the idle
state. Just one last thing to do - we need to make it actually chase the player!
The Player
has a speed
property to control their maximum speed. Let’s add one to Monster
public struct Monster: Actor {
public let speed: Double = 0.5
The player has a maximum speed of 2
, but we’ve set the monster’s maximum speed to 0.5
. They’re supposed to be zombies, so we don’t really want them sprinting around. We may as well add a velocity
property too while we’re here:
public struct Monster: Actor {
public var position: Vector
public var velocity: Vector = Vector(x: 0, y: 0)
public var state: MonsterState = .idle
In the Monster.update()
method, add the following code inside case .idle:
, after the if
velocity = Vector(x: 0, y: 0)
Then, inside case .chasing:
, after the guard
statement, add the following:
let direction = world.player.position - position
velocity = direction * (speed / direction.length)
Finally, back in World.upate()
in the // Update monsters
section, just before the line monsters[i] = monster
, add the following:
monster.position += monster.velocity * timeStep
With these additions, each monster will move towards the player whenever it can see them. Run the game again to check everything is working as expected (prepare to be mobbed!)
It’s pretty eery seeing the monsters float towards you like ghosts, but they are supposed to be zombies and zombies stagger, they don’t float. It would help to improve the realism if the monsters had some animation.
Start by adding some walking frames for the monster.
The walking animation has four frames, but two of them are the same as the standing image we already have. Feel free to use as many or as few frames as needed for your own animation (you can also just use these ones if you want).
Add the images for the walking animation to XCAssets, then in Textures.swift
extend the Texture
enum with these two additional cases, matching the names of the image assets:
public enum Texture: String, CaseIterable {
case monster
case monsterWalk1, monsterWalk2
We’ll need a new type to represent the animation itself. In the Engine module, create a new file called Animation.swift
with the following contents:
public struct Animation {
public let frames: [Texture]
public let duration: Double
public init(frames: [Texture], duration: Double) {
self.frames = frames
self.duration = duration
Then in Monster.swift
add an animation
property to Monster
public struct Monster: Actor {
public var state: MonsterState = .idle
public var animation: Animation = .monsterIdle
It may seem like the monster only has one animation, but it really has two - it’s just that the idle/standing animation only has a single frame. Still in Monster.swift
, add the following code to the bottom of the file:
public extension Animation {
static let monsterIdle = Animation(frames: [
], duration: 0)
static let monsterWalk = Animation(frames: [
], duration: 0.5)
We’ve added the animations as static constants on the Animation
type because it means we can conveniently reference them using dot syntax, thanks to Swift’s type inference. But since these animations are specific to the monster sprite, it makes sense to keep them together in with the other Monster
-specific code rather than in the Animation.swift
Now, in the Monster.update()
method, modify the state machine again to swap the animations:
switch state {
case .idle:
if monster.canSeePlayer(in: self) {
state = .chasing
animation = .monsterWalk
velocity = Vector(x: 0, y: 0)
case .chasing:
guard monster.canSeePlayer(in: self) else {
state = .idle
animation = .monsterIdle
let direction = world.player.position - position
velocity = direction * (speed / direction.length)
That’s the data model side of animations taken care of, but what about the rendering side? Right now the renderer is just hard-coded to show the monster’s standing image for each sprite. The renderer is going to need to know which animation frame to draw.
Open Billboard.swift
and add a texture
property and initializer argument:
public struct Billboard {
public var start: Vector
public var direction: Vector
public var length: Double
public var texture: Texture
public init(start: Vector, direction: Vector, length: Double, texture: Texture) {
self.start = start
self.direction = direction
self.length = length
self.texture = texture
Then, in Renderer.draw()
, in the // Draw sprites
section, replace the line:
let spriteTexture = textures[.monster]
let spriteTexture = textures[sprite.texture]
It’s now up to the World
to supply the correct frame texture for each sprite billboard at a given point in time, but which frame should it select? We need to introduce a concept of the current frame for an animation.
Back in Animation.swift
, add a time
property to the Animation
public struct Animation {
public let frames: [Texture]
public let duration: Double
public var time: Double = 0
The time
defaults to zero (the start of the animation), but it’s a var
, so we can advance the time of any given Animation
instance in order to scrub through the frames. Still in Animation.swift
, add the following extension method:
public extension Animation {
var texture: Texture {
guard duration > 0 else {
return frames[0]
let t = time.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: duration) / duration
return frames[Int(Double(frames.count) * t)]
This fetches the current frame texture for time
. It calculates this by dividing time
by the animation’s duration
, and then multiplying by the frames
count. The truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: duration)
means that if time
is greater than duration
, the animation will loop back around.
In World.swift
. update the computed sprites
var, replacing the lines:
start: monster.position - spritePlane / 2,
direction: spritePlane,
length: 1
start: monster.position - spritePlane / 2,
direction: spritePlane,
length: 1,
texture: monster.animation.texture
Each sprite billboard will now include the current animation frame for that monster as its texture. All that’s left now is to actually advance the animation times as the game is playing. Still in World.swift
, in the // Update monsters
block inside the update()
method, add the following line just before monsters[i] = monster
monster.animation.time += timeStep
And that’s it! Run the game now and you’ll see the monsters striding towards you menacingly (it’s actually a pretty creepy).
As terrifying as it is to be crowded by a bunch of zombies, it’s a bit anticlimactic if all they do is try to stand uncomfortably close to you. Let’s add a new state to the monster AI. First, we’ll need a new animation:
Add the images to XCAssets, then add the new cases to the Texture
enum in Textures.swift
public enum Texture: String, CaseIterable {
case monsterScratch1, monsterScratch2, monsterScratch3, monsterScratch4
case monsterScratch5, monsterScratch6, monsterScratch7, monsterScratch8
Next, at the bottom of the Monster.swift
file, add a new static property for the monsterScratch
public extension Animation {
static let monsterScratch = Animation(frames: [
], duration: 0.8)
That’s the animation taken care of - now we need to upgrade the monster’s AI. At the top of Monster.swift
, add a scratching
case to the MonsterState
public enum MonsterState {
case idle
case chasing
case scratching
The monster can only scratch the player if they’re in range, so we’ll need some logic to determine that. This doesn’t need to be anything fancy, we can just check if the distance between the player and monster is below a certain threshold.
Still in Monster.swift
add the following method just below the canSeePlayer()
method we added earlier:
func canReachPlayer(in world: World) -> Bool {
let reach = 0.25
let playerDistance = (world.player.position - position).length
return playerDistance - radius - world.player.radius < reach
This computes the distance from the monster to the player (we don’t care about the direction) and then compares it with a reach
constant that determines how far the monster can reach out when attacking.
We subtract the player and monster radii from the playerDistance
before comparing with reach
. The player and monster cannot actually stand in exactly the same spot because of collision handling, so reach
is measured relative to their minimum separation distance, which is the sum of their radii.
In Monster.update()
, inside case .chasing:
, find the following block of code:
guard canSeePlayer(in: world) else {
state = .idle
animation = .monsterIdle
Just below it, before the let direction = ...
, add the following:
if canReachPlayer(in: world) {
state = .scratching
animation = .monsterScratch
Finally, add this extra case to the end of the switch
block to complete the monster attack logic:
case .scratching:
guard canReachPlayer(in: world) else {
state = .chasing
animation = .monsterWalk
The monsters can now both chase and attack the player (albeit without actually doing any damage). Run the game again, but prepare for a scare!
That’s it for Part 6. In this part we:
and Monster
classesIn Part 7 we’ll raise the stakes a bit by giving the monsters the ability to hurt (and eventually kill) the player.
Can you add an idle animation for the monsters? Perhaps every few seconds they could blink?
As soon as they lose sight of you, the monsters forget you existed. Make them a little bit smarter by having them keep going until they reach the place where they last saw the player.
Now that we’ve added animation to the sprites, could you use the same approach to make an animated wall tile? Maybe a ventilation shaft with a spinning fan? Or a computer terminal with flashing lights?
[1] Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, OK?
[2] The Swift experts among you will probably be turning up your noses at this unapologetically imperative code and wondering why I don’t just use
like a civilized person. This will be explained, so try to contain your disgust for now and read on.
[3] The inner loop is why I didn’t use map()
. There may still be a way to solve this using functional programming, but I didn’t want to write it and I definitely didn’t want to have to explain it.